Instructions for Authors

Anyone is welcome to submit an article or book review to Problemi. We prefer that you submit articles or book reviews in English, but you may also submit them in Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian or Bulgarian. Articles and book reviews submitted in English will have priority in being considered for publication.

Members of the Problemi editorial board review all articles submitted. Pre-selected articles are then subjected to a double-blind peer review. Reviewers can recommend that articles be approved for publication but revised or substantially revised and resubmitted.

All submissions should be sent electronically as Microsoft Word attachments to with the subject line “Article submission” or “Book review submission.” If you are submitting an article for a particular thematic issue (i.e., in response to a call for papers), you should also mention the issue’s title in the subject line.

Articles must be double-spaced and no longer than 10 000 words.

Book reviews may concern one book or monograph or several works in philosophy and social or political theory. They must be double-spaced and no longer than 1000-1500 words. The following information should be given about the book being reviewed at the start of each review: Author / Editor Name, Book Title, Publisher, Year of Publication, Number of Pages.

You should document sources by using in-text citations keyed to a complete list of references at the end of your article or book review.


In-text citations

In-text citations should include the name of the author and year of publication, followed by a colon and the page or pages cited (when necessary), as follows:

(Lacan 2001)

(Lacan 2001: 328–50)

(Lacan 2001: 328, 330)


Two or three authors:

(Marx and Engels 1976: 58)

(Green, Harris and Dunne 1969)


Four or more authors:

(Marx et al. 2003)

Two works published by the same author published in the same year:

(Hegel 1998a: 132)

(Hegel 1998b)


The author’s name may be omitted when it has been mentioned just before the citation, e.g.:

As Derrida notes, there is “ever so little literature” (1992: 73), that most literature, we could say, is saturated by philosophy.




Barchiesi, Franco (2012). Precarious Liberation: Workers, the State, and Contested Social Citizenship in Postapartheid South Africa. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.

The year of a work’s original publication may be indicated in brackets when it differs considerably from that of the particular edition cited:

Deleuze, Gilles (1994). Difference and Repetition [1968]. Trans. Paul Patton. London: Athlone.

Books in translation:

Agamben, Giorgio (2000). Means without End: Notes on Politics. Trans. Vincenzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Chapter in an edited volume:

Bataille, Georges (1988). “Letter to X, Lecturer on Hegel…” [1937]. In The College of Sociology, 1937–39, ed. Denis Hollier, trans. Betsy Wing, 89–93. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Two and more authors:

Deleuze, Gilles, and Félix Guattari (1983). Anti-Oedipus [1972]. Trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen R. Lane. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Articles in scholarly journals:

Milne, Drew (2002). “The Beautiful Soul: From Hegel to Beckett.” Diacritics 32.1: 63–82.

Single volumes in multi-volume editions:

Benjamin, Walter (1999). Selected Writings, Vol. 3: 1935–1938. Ed. Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press.

Pages from websites:

Marx, Karl (1991). “Afterword to the Second German Edition” [1873]. Marxists Internet Archive.


All other questions of grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, style and manuscript preparation should be addressed to the sixteenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style or to the editors at