Problemi was first founded in 1962 as a journal for culture and society.
The journal has lived through tumultuous times and became one of the most influential journals in the wider field of the humanities, with a substantial readership, publishing research articles by some of the most prominent scholars in the field of theoretical psychoanalysis and its philosophical, as well as cultural, social, and aesthetic applications. Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis—established in Ljubljana in 1982—is devoted to the conceptual development of psychoanalytic theory in its philosophical applications. It fulfils this task in two ways: as the publisher of the journal Problemi and the book series Analecta, and as the founder of Agalma, Institute for Ideas, providing a platform for lectures and events by Society members and invited guests.
Problemi is published by the Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis.
Problemi International ISSN 0555–2419